[EBB Sightings] Albany mudflats-Eurasian Widgeon

[EBB Sightings] Albany mudflats-Eurasian Widgeon

Thu Sep 27 17:57:04 PDT 2007
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    Today at 2 PM, as the tide was rising, I stopped and scoped the increasing numbers of birds in the water on the north side of Buchanan.  There were around 70 American Widgeons, and riding along with them was a very easily visible male Eurasian Widgeon.  I have an eBird record of a Eurasian Widgeon in the Berkeley Meadow in March of 2007.  Along with the Widgeons, a large flock of mixed-age California Gulls floated along with a flock of 30 American Avocets and  10 Northern Pintails.  Seven Greater Yellow-legs were resting in the grass on the opposite shore.  A Western and Clark's Grebe were floating out a little further, making it quite easy to see the differences in beak size and color, as well as facial pattern.  And just for some diversity, 3 DC Cormorants were along for the ride.
    Not bad for 1/2 hour,
    Pat Bacchetti

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