[EBB Sightings] Summer Camp Birds: 7/23-7/27

[EBB Sightings] Summer Camp Birds: 7/23-7/27

Kay Loughman
Fri Jul 27 23:19:37 PDT 2007
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    EBB folks:  I am forwarding this message at the request of Brian Fitch.  
    If you have questions or comments, please address them directly to Brian 
    at:  fogeggs at aol.com    Thanks,  Kay Loughman, Berkeley.
    On Monday, a Green Heron was actively fishing at Jewel Lake in Tilden, 
    and on Tuesday, Manish Devana spotted a Black Skimmer over the Albany 
    Mudflats near the mouth of Codornices Creek.  Wednesday brought us our 
    first Hermit Warbler of the season, and the Olive-sided Flycatcher pair 
    had been joined by one and probably two other birds, suggesting 
    successful breeding on Vollmer Peak.  Thursday's check on Alameda Co's 
    first Pelagic Cormorant nest at the Berkeley Marina showed the 
    continuing three chicks, one nearly adult-sized with a crest growing in, 
    while the other nestlings were about 80% the bulk of their parents; two 
    other adult Pelagics have been hanging out on the breakwater as well all 
    summer.  Before the children arrived on Thursday, I spotted another 
    Black Skimmer flying southward over the ruined portion of the Berkeley 
    Pier, and later in the morning, Manish found a Red-necked Phalarope 
    still showing color as it hunted the shoreline rocks very close to us.  
    The Marina has also been hosting several Heermann's Gulls, as it usually 
    does after the Fourth of July.  Today, we had a White-tailed Kite fly 
    over Tilden, and close encounters with a juvenile and adult Great Horned 
    Owl on the north side of Vollmer.  Good birding,
    Brian Fitch & Crew

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