[EBB Sightings] Juvenile Golden Eagles in Alhambra Valley

[EBB Sightings] Juvenile Golden Eagles in Alhambra Valley

Jerry & Linda Fishman Ott
Tue Jul 24 11:33:41 PDT 2007
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    The juvenile golden eagles that were sighted at the Alhambra Creek 
    entrance to Briones Park last week have been circling, soaring and 
    crying for a couple of weeks over the Virginia Hills/east Alhambra 
    Valley area of Martinez. Today, in no uncertain terms, three of them let 
    our local red tailed hawk know that they have squatting rights over this 
    Their sound is most distinctive: short, high-pitched whistling cries - 
    very unlike the long. lower pitched wail of the red tail.  This call and 
    the distinctive white patches on tale and wings as they soar overhead 
    are my best form of i.d., as they don't come low enough to see that 
    telltale golden neck.
    They are usually around this area mid-morning (10:00am - noon).
    Linda Ott

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