[EBB Sightings] Summer Camp birds: Albany & Berkeley waterfronts

[EBB Sightings] Summer Camp birds: Albany & Berkeley waterfronts

Kay Loughman
Fri Jul 20 19:08:13 PDT 2007
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    EBB folks:  I am forwarding this message at the request of Brian Fitch.  
    If you have questions or comments, please address them directly to Brian 
    at:  fogeggs at aol.com    Thanks, Kay Loughman, Berkeley.
    The action this week was along the bay.  An early Black Turnstone showed 
    up at the Albany mudflats on Tuesday, along with three Red Knots still 
    showing color.
    On Thursday, a Common Loon was off of the Berkeley Marina entrance, the 
    Pelagic Cormorant nest still had three chicks that were double their 
    size of a week ago, and several Pigeon Guillemots continued to haunt the 
    waters near the pier.  On the south side of the Cesar Chavez turnaround, 
    by the boating office, at least three Hooded Orioles were calling and 
    feeding in bottlebrush and other trees.  Two were female types, though 
    more likely immatures, and the third never emerged while we were watching.
    Brian Fitch & crew

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