[EBB Sightings] Caspian Tern Heather Farm

[EBB Sightings] Caspian Tern Heather Farm

Hugh Harvey
Thu Jul 12 10:20:07 PDT 2007
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    This morning just before 8 AM I saw a Caspian Tern cruising back and forth 
    over the large natural pond in Heather Farm Park in Walnut Creek.  This is a 
    nearly annual sighting and I was recently thinking that I haven't seen one 
    here yet this year.  Admittedly, I have not been very regular in the park 
    Also seen was a juvenile Green Heron.  Later, two Green Herons were flying 
    southeast along the creek separating the south ball fields and the houses to 
    the east.  One perched on a power pole before continuing southeast, the 
    other returned to the natural pond.  I have sometimes found their nests 
    around the pond, but this year I was unsuccessful.
    A Black-headed Grosbeak was heard along the road between the equestrian 
    center parking lot and the Seven Hills School gate.  At first I thought it 
    was a woodpecker "pick", then it sang briefly before flying away.
    Hugh B. Harvey

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