[EBB Sightings] Frank's Dump; Sunday a.m. 7-08-07

[EBB Sightings] Frank's Dump; Sunday a.m. 7-08-07

Bob Power
Sun Jul 08 20:50:02 PDT 2007
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Scaups - Hayward Shoreline
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    Hi all:
    Dave Weber, Sarah Tasker, and I spent high tide at
    Frank's dump this a.m. Like Hawk Hill (late
    September), Mitchell Canyon (April/May), Arrowhead
    Marsh (Dec./Jan. high tides), etc., Frank's dump is a
    place that needs to be visited at least once a year
    and July/August is the best time.  We weren't
    disappointed.  Red Knots, Wilson's Phalaropes (Dave
    had two red-necked Phalaropes), Snowy Plovers, Least
    Terns.... There was more, but  you get the idea.  
    Dave picked out a breeding plumage Dunlin, about 3
    months ahead of the dunlin migration curve (dmc);
    Sarah picked out a distant Bonaparte's Gull.  
    Catching a rising tide gets you the shoreline mudflats
    shorebirds and then if you can follow the tide to high
    tide as you approach Frank's Dump, then you get all of
    the roosting shorebirds inside the "safe roosting
    zone" of this depressed wetland.  With Frank's Dump on
    the east side of the Bay trail, an a.m. high tide gets
    you the least heat shimmer. A p.m. high tide gets you
    the better light at your back as you face east. 
    Don't try this at home. Your results may differ. 
    Franks' Dump is a key component of Hayward Regional
    Shoreline (ebparks.org for a spiffy new web-site and a
    good pdf map).  Access is most typically made from
    Winton Ave. in Hayward (oddly enough) off of Hwy. 880.
    Take Winton Ave. west to its terminus and either park
    inside the gate if open, or outside the gate. Head
    west on either side of the flood control channel.  A
    half-mile walk gets you to Hayward's landing. Turn
    right/north and another 1/2-mile walk gets you to a
    depressed wetland with no vegetation and several
    island roosting areas. Voila!  Frank's Dump!  At low
    tide there are usually a few birds around. At high
    tide, this can be the most accessible location in the
    bay area for consistent Red Knots (July/August) and a
    broad assortment of other shorebirds as the season
    Good birding, 
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA

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