[EBB Sightings] Nesting Egrets on Bay Farm, Alameda

[EBB Sightings] Nesting Egrets on Bay Farm, Alameda

Stephanie Ellis
Fri Jul 13 13:47:42 PDT 2007
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    Hi. Just a note about the egret colony on Bay Farm Island in Alameda. There
    are currently over 20 active nests located in 1  pine tree and 4 sycamores
    around the lagoon. Both species of egrets are nesting there, the majority
    being Great egrets. Most of the Great egret chicks are close to fledge. Some
    of the Snowy egret chicks are not yet feathered and a Snowy egret was
    observed incubating eggs (asof July 6). On July 6th, Bird Observatory staff
    and volunteers visited the colony and trained 6 very "excited and willing"
    Community of Harbor Bay Isle residents how to monitor and submit data for
    these nesting birds. I am thrilled to say that the majority of the Community
    is delighted by the egrets' presence. Visitors are welcome.
    On July, 21st at 1:00 pm, Bird Observatory staff will be visiting the colony
    to discuss the history and biology of Great and Snowy egrets. Everyone is
    welcome! (Directions listed below)
    Stephanie Ellis
    Outreach Specialist
    San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory
    t 408 946 6548
    f 408 946 9279
    Join the Bird Observatory on a bird walk or another special event!  Check
    www.sfbbo.org/calendar.htm   for details.
    524 Valley Way
    Milpitas, CA 95035
    -----Original Message-----
    From: sightings-bounces at diabloaudubon.com
    [mailto:sightings-bounces at diabloaudubon.com]On Behalf Of Verne Nelson
    Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 2:26 PM
    To: sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Nesting Egrets on Bay Farm, Alameda
    A small colony of Snowy and Great Egrets has
    established a nesting area this year on Bay Farm
    Island in Alameda. There are around 13 nests in two
    pine trees on a lagoon.
    Directions: Go to the Harbor Bay Landing Shopping
    Center at the corner of Island Drive and Mecartney.
    Drive into the center and locate Long's Drugs. When
    facing Longs go to the left of the building and park
    in the first lot on your left. On the perimeter of
    this lot is an Alameda Public Library branch. Walk on
    the path to the right of the library and follow it
    making two right turns along the perimeter of a
    baseball field. (Altogether it's about a one block
    After the second right look down the path for an
    easily viewed pine tree which has the majority of
    nests. Further down the path to the left and across
    from a small swimming pool is the second tree with
    additional nests.
    There are fledglings of several ages, about three to a
    nest. It's quite a sight (and sound).
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