[EBB Sightings] Rose-breasted Grosbeak in Lafayette

[EBB Sightings] Rose-breasted Grosbeak in Lafayette

Marilyn Trabert
Fri Jun 22 17:47:03 PDT 2007
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    East Bay Birders . . . .
    My very excited friend (Pat Doughty) called this morning to tell me  
    she had "something very different" at her backyard feeder.  She  
    asked, "What does a Rose-breasted Grosbeak look like?"  It didn't  
    take long to realize that, indeed, a male Rose-breasted-grosbeak was  
    her new feeder visitor.  It had stopped by twice for sunflower seeds  
    before noon.  I rushed over but, of course, it was nowhere to be seen  
    by the time I got there.  Dear Pat has been sitting watching at her  
    window all afternoon to no avail.  She lives on Somerset Place in the  
    Burton Valley area, so if you live over that way, keep an eye out!
    Best birding to you all,
    Marilyn Trabert
    Walnut Creek

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