[EBB Sightings] Lake Del Valle EBRP

[EBB Sightings] Lake Del Valle EBRP

William Clark
Fri Jun 08 13:36:12 PDT 2007
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    This morning (btwn 10-11am), I searched for the
    Yellow-Breasted Chat seen at Del Valle, but had no
    joy, despite Steve's excellent directions (see below
    for a great example of how to give directions on this
    board).  I found his rock pile and arrow... I may have
    heard the chat, but wasn't sure.  I was entertained,
    however, by the wonderful "distractions" at this birdy
    spot, including Bullock's Oriole, Say's Phoebe, House
    Wren, Oak Titmouse, Bushtit, Cooper's Hawk, Kestrel,
    Cliff Swallow, White Throated Swift, Flicker, Nutall's
    woodpecker, red-winged blackbird, Spotted and Calif
    towhees, and Western Kingbird.
    I stopped at Murietta's Well vineyard and spotted the
    Eurasian Collared-Dove on top of a telephone pole in
    the wine-tasting parking lot area.
    At the turnout at mile post 6.21 of Patterson Pass Rd,
    I found a (male & female) pair of blue grosbeaks,
    several lark sparrows, a willow flycatcher and a
    grasshopper sparrow.
    Bill Clark
    Livermore, CA
    --- Steve Huckabone  wrote:
    > This morning around 8:30AM I heard YELLOW-BREASTED
    > CHAT at Lake Del Valle.
    > The CHAT climbed into some trees from the thick
    > brush to proved excellent
    > viewing as it sang loudly. I decided to return to my
    > vehicle for my scope in
    > hope of getting some digi-scope images. Naturally by
    > the time I returned the
    > CHAT would not allow visual but continued to sing
    > and call for 2 hours.
    > Approximately every 15-20 minutes the Chat would
    > begin singing and continue
    > for 5 minutes then fall silent. I believe this bird
    > is not traveling through
    > but has established territory. The habitat is
    > excellent with thick brush and
    > overgrown riparian along the creek. 
    > To get to this location park near the east anchorage
    > of the bridge. The
    > trail drops on the north side down to a wide fire
    > road, take a right or
    > north on the fire road. Walk for approximately .2
    > miles, I stacked two rocks
    > on the right side of the road and also scratched an
    > arrow into the dirt.
    > >From this location the bird is east towards the
    > creek. From the parking
    > place it's .29 miles easy walking with only a
    > moderate hill from the bridge
    > to the valley floor.
    > Steve Huckabone
    > Alameda County
    > Livermore California
    > USA
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