[EBB Sightings] a rookery in our midst

[EBB Sightings] a rookery in our midst

Phila Rogers
Tue Jun 12 13:35:39 PDT 2007
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    Dear Birders:
    I'd heard something about a heron/egret colony in the trees next to
    EBMUD's watershed headquarters in Orinda.  But it wasn't until recently
    when hiking down the Orinda Connector Trail that I found myself at the
    handsome headquarters building which looks, in its rural setting, like
    an outsized barn.  And then I heard the distinctive cacophony of a
    rookery coming from high in the eucalyptus trees.  
    Since then I've been back several times, last time seeking out EBMUD's
    Steve Abbors who became his career as a naturalist at Jewel Lake during
     the time of well-loved, and long-departed Josh Barkin.  According to
    Steve, I was seeing the tail-end of the nesting season with only a few
    Great White Egrets and their chicks remaining.  
    Each year, volunteers from Audubon Canyon Ranch include the San Pablo
    Reservoir colony on their annual survey in early April at the time of
    full occupancy when there are at least 40 nests occupied mostly by
    Great Blue Herons.
    The watershed headquarters are accessible from San Pablo Dam Road, but
    the nicest approach is by the trail which follows in part San Pablo
    Creek with its gravel bars and amble water that attract Wood Ducks in
    >From the pull-out parking spot at the intersection of San Pablo and
    Bear Creek Roads the trail leads downhill.  You will see both Black
    Oaks and Valley Oaks of unusual size in this warm, well-watered canyon.
    An EBMUD trail pass can be bought online, and trail maps printed out
    which will open up to the birder all kinds of interesting places to
    Phila Rogers
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