[EBB Sightings] Fwd: Monthly Jewel Lake Field Trip

[EBB Sightings] Fwd: Monthly Jewel Lake Field Trip

Phila Rogers
Mon Jun 04 19:00:28 PDT 2007
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    --- Phila Rogers  wrote:
    > Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 15:36:10 -0700 (PDT)
    > From: Phila Rogers 
    > Subject: Monthly Jewel Lake Field Trip
    > To: "audubon mt.diablo" 
    >  Dear Birders:
    > On a most unpromising morning with fog denser than usual,  I was
    > surprised to find a dozen hardy souls ready for the two-hour walk
    > around Jewel Lake.  We were richly rewarded with continuous bird song
    > beginning with Wilson's Warblers and ending with Winter Wrens near
    > where the Pack Rat trail levels off toward the end of the lake.  In
    > between, we saw and/or heard Spotted Towhees, Black-headed Grosbeaks,
    > Warbling Vireo, Orange-crowned Warbler, Song Sparrow, Brown Creepers,
    > Chestnut-backed Chickadees with young, Robins, Lesser Goldfinches,
    > Bewick's Wren, Bushtits, Pacific-Slope Flycatcher, Allen's
    > Hummingbird,Nuttall's Woodpecker, Swainson's Thrushes,  and in the
    > distance -- Western Wood-Pewee, Steller's Jay, Common Raven, Purple
    > Finch and somewhere overhead a Red-shouldered Hawk calling.
    >  Despite this week of  mostly sunless and cold days, the streamside
    > canyon and wooded slopes near Jewel Lake are approaching high summer.
        Creek dogwoods, thimbleberries, and currents are forming fruit, and
    > deciduous vegetation is lush.  The heracleum (cow parsnip) are
    > head-high along the trail.
    > I like to consider Jewel Lake my Walden Pond.  Though I don't live
    > along its shore, nor do I have the perceptive eye or eloquent pen of
    > a Thoreau, I still find enormous satisfaction in visiting a familiar
    > and well-loved place in all its seasons and weathers. I think of
    > Debbie Viess and her Huckleberry Preserve, Hillary Powers and Lake
    > Merritt, and Bob Richmond and the Hayward Shore and so many others
    > who know the rewards of a place closely observed.
    > Phila Rogers
    > ---------------------------------
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