[EBB Sightings] This morning at Albany Bulb

[EBB Sightings] This morning at Albany Bulb

Doug Greenberg
Fri May 25 11:57:00 PDT 2007
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    This morning I walked with my dog to the end of Albany Bulb.  I was 
    fortunate enough to observe four Black oystercatchers at close range out on 
    the rocky breakwater at the end of the Bulb.  There also was a single 
    Whimbrel, a bird which I have observed regularly for a while now.  I also 
    saw a dozen Surf scoters and an apparently late-staying pair of Bufflehead. 
    Near the end of the Bulb I observed a Yellow warbler. Closer to the parking 
    lot I saw a mixed flock of Cliff, Barn, and Rough-winged swallows.  Caspian, 
    Forsters, and Least terns flew overhead.
    Doug Greenberg, Berkeley 

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