[EBB Sightings] Common Moorhen breeding in Heather Farm Park
[EBB Sightings] Common Moorhen breeding in Heather Farm Park
Hugh Harvey
Thu May 17 17:44:23 PDT 2007
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Today the City of Walnut Creek had a machine skimming the algae and scum
from the large natural pond in Heather Farm Park. A single Common Moorhen
has been seen on many occasions at the north end of the pond near the tules,
at rare times two were seen. I was worried how these birds might react to
this machine paddling across the water. When I reached the extreme
northeast corner of the pond, I found two adult and five very young Common
Moorhens. The chicks still had red heads, not unlike their Coot
cousins.This is, to my knowledge, a first for this location.
The second Nuttall's Woodpecker nest has a male nestling close to fledging.
This morning he was poking his head way out of the hole, but still being fed
by both parents. This nest is in the large scraggily oak across the small
canal on the west side of the trail along the western side of the natural
pond. The trail is temporarily closed during working hours for construction
of a footbridge near the south end of this canal.
Hugh B. Harvey
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