[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

Bob Richmond
Wed May 09 22:50:12 PDT 2007
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    Today (5/9) at the shoreline -
    White-faced Ibis - 16 seen flying near the Interpretive Center.
    Red Knot - 150 flying north, seen from Hayward's Landing.
    Least Tern - 18, 12 seen flying over the bay from Hayward's Landing.
    White-throated Swift - 1 seen flying near the Interpretive Center.
    Western Wood-Pewee - 3, 2 around Winton Ave., 1 in Ora Loma Marsh. I had no spring records from 2000 until 2006, when I saw 1.
    Pacific-slope Flycatcher - 1 at Winton Ave.
    Western Kingbird - 1 seen near the SE corner of Mt. Trashmore - Found by Peter and Brian.
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1 seen at Winton Ave. is the second latest spring record.
    Swainson's Thrush - 1 seen in Frank's East Trees.
    Warbling Vireo - 1 seen at Winton Ave.
    Lawrenced Goldfinch - 1 seen in Frank's East Trees. This is my third shoreline record and the second this year.
    Nashville Warbler - 1 seen at Winton Ave. is my fifth spring shoreline record.
    Yellow Warbler - 1 seen in Frank's East Trees. I also had no spring records from 2000 until 2006.
    Western Tanager - 1 male seen in Frank's East Trees.
    Golden-crowned Sparrow - 1 seen at Winton Ave. I only have later records in one year.
    Black-headed Grosbeak - 3, 2 at or near Winton Ave., 1 at Grant Ave.
    Lazuli Bunting - 1 imm. male was seen near Winton Ave. again.
    Good Birding

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