[EBB Sightings] San Pablo Bay RS, Pinole

[EBB Sightings] San Pablo Bay RS, Pinole

Laura Look
Sat May 05 15:10:25 PDT 2007
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    This morning (Sat, 5/5), the following were seen which were out of 
    the ordinary at San Pablo Bay Regional Shoreline (at the end of 
    Pinole Shores Drive in Pinole):
    11 RUDDY TURNSTONES - This was probably the same flock we saw last 
    week.  Since that was only the second time I have seen them at this 
    location, I was surprised that they are still around.  They appear to 
    be molting, some in breeding plumage (red with white heads), others 
    still brownish.  They seem to move around with the tide, from the 
    rocks near the parking lot to the rocks down the trail to the left, 
    near the "peninsula" where the fishermen hang out (Pt Wilson).
    1 male Purple Finch - my first sighting at this location (House 
    Finches are resident and abundant).
    Cedar Waxwing flock
    3 Caspian Terns
    1 Western Wood-Pewee - first-of-season
    Northern Rough-winged Swallows were checking out a nest hole in the 
    cliff opposite the parking lot.  If they nest here, it will be a bit 
    of a coup, since this has traditionally been a Cliff Swallow 
    spot.  Oddly, I have seen no Cliff Swallows at this location yet this year.
    Good birding,
    Laura Look
    Pinole, CA

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