[EBB Sightings] Unexpected singer

[EBB Sightings] Unexpected singer

Kay Loughman
Mon Apr 23 07:06:14 PDT 2007
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    Judi and all,
    The Birds of North American Online has a very long section on the 
    vocalizations of Western Scrub-Jay:   It includes these sentences:
    /"Song./ Soft, unstructured sequence of melodious notes, duration up to 
    5 min. Given principally during courtship displays by both sexes when 
    birds are close together (<25 cm), usually initiated by male. Tail 
    fanned, head moved back and forth in jerky movements. Also occasionally 
    produced by solitary jay while perched and otherwise inactive.... Quiet 
    calls occurring during within-pair exchanges. "
    I have been charmed by that sort of  thing with Steller's Jays.  Nice to 
    know the often-more-raucous scrub-jays have a similar soft side!
    Kay Loughman
    judi sierra wrote:
    > Early yesterday on the upper Strawberry Canyon (UC Berkeley) fire road 
    > I heard a soft melodius song. I said to my self, pretty but what is 
    > it? I rounded the corner and the singer-  a Western Scub jay was 
    > sitting low on a dried weed. Within 2 feet on another weed was a 
    > second Jay. I assume the object of his adoration. I couldn't find any 
    > reference to song in 3 field guides or my Cornell Cds. Maybe it 
    > happens so rarely and softly no one has noticed?
    > Judi Sierra- Oakland

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