[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon birds - 8 April

[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon birds - 8 April

Denise Wight
Sun Apr 08 16:27:39 PDT 2007
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    Hi E. B. Birders,
    Mitchell Canyon, Sunday, 8 April 2007:
    Nashville Warbler -2 singing, only one seen
    Black-throated Gray Warbler - 3
    Cassin's Vireo - 1 
    Ash-throated Flycatcher - 1 heard only
    Black-headed Grosbeak - 3
    Sage Sparrow - 2 singing - as previously reported by
    Ted, one seen foraging within 20 feet of Red Rd.
    Bullock's Oriole - 2
    Also singing:
    Pacific-slope Flycatcher
    Hutton's Vireo
    Warbling Vireo
    House Wrens
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet
    Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
    Hermit Thrush (no Swainson's Thrush)
    California Thrasher
    Orange-crowned Warbler 
    Wilson's Warblers 
    Yellow-rumped Warblers -small flocks in many
    Purple Finch
    California Towhee (with the same tempo as Wrentits)
    .....and many more regularly heard species.
    I did not hear or see any Lazuli Buntings.  
    (Out of Area Report:  We saw a male Lazuli Bunting
    south of the junction of Mines Road and Del Puerto
    Canyon Road yesterday, so they're in the Diablo
    All the Best Birding,
    Denise Wight
    Moraga,  CA 

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