[EBB Sightings] Crockett Hills 4/24 Raptor Census

[EBB Sightings] Crockett Hills 4/24 Raptor Census

Harv and Monica
Tue Apr 24 16:58:39 PDT 2007
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    April 24, 2007
    Turkey Vulture 36
    Red-tailed Hawk 213
    Sharp-shinned Hawk 0
    Cooper's Hawk 0
    Northern Harrier 10
    Am. Kestrel 1
    Peregrine 0
    White-tailed Kite 9
    Golden Eagle 2
    Red-shouldered Hawk 0
    Merlin 1
    Osprey 0
    Swainson's Hawk 1
    Unidentified Accip 0
    Unidentified Buteo 0
    Unidentified Raptor 19
    Total Count: 292
    Total Minutes: 240
    Raptors per Hour: 73.0
    Temp 58F-65F, Wind 270T at 5 mph-10 mph, Sky clear. Heavy marine layer
    extending over San Pablo Bay. Estimated dept 1500 ft. 
    Crew: Mary Malec (GGRO), Harv Wilson (GGRO)
    The high point today was a Swainson's Hawk, which appeared nearby east of
    us, just after Mary arrived at about 12:30. It was a dark-morph adult,
    uniform dark gray all over with slightly lighter under-wing coverts. Made
    the ID based on the size and shape, particularly the narrow pointed wings.
    Plumage was not much help. 
    A little later we saw a Merlin whiz by. Also, the two local Golden Eagles
    came to the hills just south of the watch site and briefly roosted in the
    trees. We got some great looks at them cruising low over the trees. 
    Today was the last day of the census. Will post a summary, including species
    totals in a day or so.
    Harv Wilson

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