[EBB Sightings] Raptors at Crockett Hills 3/30

[EBB Sightings] Raptors at Crockett Hills 3/30

Harv and Monica
Fri Mar 30 16:04:26 PDT 2007
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    Today's raptor count at Crockett Hills:
    Turkey Vulture 47
    Red-tailed Hawk 295
    Sharp-shinned Hawk 4
    Cooper's Hawk 17
    Northern Harrier 25
    Kestrel 1
    White Tailed Kite 10
    Osprey 2
    Unidentified Accipiter 5
    Unidentified Raptor 13
    Total: 419
    Total Minutes: 240
    Raptors per hour: 104.75
    Was joined to today by Ted Robertson. We had a great time. Ted helped nail a
    lot of long-distance sightings with his scope. He was great at spotting
    accipiters too. A couple came in at very low altitude right over us. Two
    went by literally just above the grass in front of us. We could see every
    stripe in their tails. It was pretty amazing. 
    The accipiter count is increasing. Including unidentified accips, we saw 26.
    That's the largest number so far. Northern Harriers continue to be strong.
    White Tailed Kites are increasing day by day. A male has staked out a tree
    nearby and can be seen doing an intricate aerial display in the morning.
    Also, the dark-morph Red Tail continues to woo passing females. There's a
    lot of aerial courtship behavior, particularly among Red Tails. 
    The soaring conditions were forecast to be poor to moderate today. Most
    birds were seen either near hill-tops or at moderate altitude (about
    500--1000 feet). Saw few birds at the high altitudes associated with good
    thermal conditions. Today's total is down a bit from yesterday's as a
    result. Also, the risk of double-counting was a bit higher since more birds
    were probably milling around looking for lift. 
    Starting next week, I will be going out once a week instead of every day. If
    anyone is interested in going along, let me know. 
    I'd be up for going out there on a weekend day around April 15 to introduce
    the site to interested folks. We can do some hawk-watching and enjoy the
    spectacular view. I think I can get the EBRPD to give us access to the site
    directly from Cummings Skyway. If so, it's about a 10 minute walk. 
    If you're interested, email me: harvmon at comcast.net. 
    Harv Wilson

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