[EBB Sightings] Golden Eagle/Bald Eagle/Prairie Falcon & Other Raptor Spp./Contra Costa Co.

[EBB Sightings] Golden Eagle/Bald Eagle/Prairie Falcon & Other Raptor Spp./Contra Costa Co.

Sat Feb 10 21:45:38 PST 2007
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    Despite the rain, I led an intrepid, spirited class today from Merritt College, and we enjoyed spotting from 10 am - 4 pm:
    1. BALD EAGLE (2 adults), entrance/kiosk area at Del Valle Regional Park
    2. GOLDEN EAGLE (1 adult) 300' west of Kelso and Bruns Ave. intersection near the Byron Road/Byron Highway; thanks to Harvey Wilson who first spotted this individual
    3. PRAIRIE FALCON (1 adult) (thanks to sharp eyes of Alejandro Diaz) near the same spot as #2 above. We got to within 250' and saw the bird perched for 10 minutes with our scopes.
    4. Ongoing SHORT-EARED OWL (2) near the metal shed/barn on Holey Rd. near Byron Highway); one individual chased and dive bombed a RED-TAILED HAWK
    5. BURROWING OWL (1) on the deadend road called Byron Hot Springs Rd. (that you turn left onto from Holey)
    The individual was 500' from Holey, 150' on the northside of levee where it bisects Byron Hot Springs Rd. 
    6. FERRUGINOUS HAWK (1) on Bruns Ave., 400' before you get to Kelso Road as you're coming from Byron Rd.
    Seeing this bird from 200' perched, then flying gave the group excellent, diagnostic ventral/dorsal views.
    7. COOPER's HAWK (1) at same spot as #2
    Others worth mentioning:
    8. LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE (2) at the same spot as #1
    9. LESSER YELLOWLEGS (1) in the Del Valle Reservoir near the boat launch area that is accessed by turning right at the kiosk area.
    10. EARED GREBE (1) in the Reservoir 150' south of boat launch area
    Red-tailed Hawk, White-Tailed Kite, and Northern Harrier also spotted often throughout the day.
    Daniel Edelstein
    Ellison Bay, WI
    Novato, CA (Bay Area)
    12 Kingfisher Court
    Novato, CA 94949-6628
    415-382-1827 (voice & DSL fax)

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