[EBB Sightings] Red-naped Sapsucker continues at Sunol RW

[EBB Sightings] Red-naped Sapsucker continues at Sunol RW

Dave Quady
Thu Feb 01 15:20:02 PST 2007
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    The adult male Red-naped Sapsucker that Bob Dunn found on January 23 
    continued today at 10 am at Sunol Regional Wilderness.  Here are Bob's 
    "Cross the footbridge (near Visitor Center) and turn right. Shortly 
    there is a dirt road going up to the left and shortly after a dirt road 
    going down to the creek on the right. Then there is a huge tree on the 
    right with a single picnic table under it. The sapsucker was in the top 
    of the section of tree closest to the trail."
    Today the bird was most active in a few-inch high freshly drilled 
    section of a small (ca. 3" diameter) limb high in the tree.  Once 
    you're beneath the tree's canopy, face the trunk and locate a large, 
    low limb that points to your left (south) and forks just where it 
    touches the ground.  Looking approximately straight up from that bend 
    will put you close to where the bird was working.  It also visited a 
    couple of other limbs and trunks while I was there.
    Dave Quady
    Berkeley, California
    davequady at att.net

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