[EBB Sightings] Byron airport area

[EBB Sightings] Byron airport area

Mike ''troll'' Dame
Mon Feb 05 09:36:09 PST 2007
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    me n my better half went out there 9am - 10am wed morn, there was a guy in a blind takeing photos at the owl field (if your on the list thanx for the ibis ID) so we drove on down the road not wantign to disturb what ever he was shooting. about 1.5 miles down Byron Hot Springs Rd we saw the 2 ravens again, and further down the road by the second driveway to the house on the hill was a group of 8 turkey vultures sitting on the fences sunning themselves. getting out of the truck i was able to get with in 10' of the closest ones and take some photos.  
    driving back out BHS rd at about the 1 mile mark we spotted 3 large birds with long curved beaks running around the eastern field catching food, when we got back to the owl field the guy in the blind was packing up so we stopped and talked with him for a minute and he said they were prolly white faced ibis, looking at photos on the web when we got home confirmed his ID. from there we headed over to Armstrong rd on the other side of the airport, just before Falcon way perched on a telephone pole was a pair of redtailed hawks and just after the hill on the telephone wire was a pair of Merlin (IDed thanx to David Dillers great photo). we turned around at 1 mile where the road turns and there were 3 shrieks on the fence there. 
    Mike "troll" Dame
    Arachnid Wrangler
    Antioch, Cal.
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