[EBB Sightings] Lafayette Birds Oct 1st

[EBB Sightings] Lafayette Birds Oct 1st

Jim Tietz
Wed Oct 04 12:29:06 PDT 2006
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    While visiting my parents I went for a walk around
    their neighborhood.  They live on Las Huertas and I
    walked to the end of this road to the bike trail and
    then looped around on Las Trampas back to Las Huertas.
     This walk took about 2 hours.
    My parents live near Las Trampas creek and I was
    surprised to hear a Yellow Warbler chipping here.  I
    pished it in and it appeared to be a female since it
    had no red streaks.  I then heard the flat "tep" call
    of a Black-throated Gray Warbler.  It stayed high in a
    Monterey Pine before flying off into a neighbor's
    Still on Las Huertas, but further away from the creek,
    a Western Bluebird was on another neighbor's powerline
    and two Acorn Woodpeckers were calling loudly atop a
    power tower.  A male/female pair of Wood Ducks flew by
    heading west over the Las Trampas riparia.  
    On Los Palos Manor, I found two Western Tanagers: one
    appeared to be a male and the other an immature
    In a field on a ridge just west of Phillips Road, I
    saw a flock of 10 Wild Turkeys.  I thought they were
    pets at first, but they were moving from one fenced
    pasture to another.  This is the first time in 13
    years of birding this area that I have seen Wild
    Turkeys.  A Black-headed Grosbeak "squick" called from
    an oak tree and 5 Western Bluebirds perched in another
    oak nearby.  My walk was almost over, but I thought
    that my list was shy of a raptor or two so I started
    scanning the sky.  I spotted a speck (vulture,
    red-tail?) way up above circling.  With my binoculars
    on it, I could see that it was actually a Golden Eagle
    with its long entirely dark wings, dark body and tail,
    and relatively long dark head.  It turned to the west
    and flew off.  Although I have seen Golden Eagle
    several times before in this area, it's still a good
    bird, and I was just thinking about the timing of this
    bird and how lucky I was when another adult Golden
    Eagle flew by heading west.  Only this one was
    probably just 50 meters away flying just slightly
    above me.  At this distance and angle I was able to
    clearly see its golden hackles.  Wow, the perfect bird
    to end a nice morning walk!
    Location:     Las Huertas/Trampas
    Observation date:     10/1/06
    Number of species:     38
    Wood Duck     2
    Wild Turkey     10
    Turkey Vulture     1
    Golden Eagle     2
    Mourning Dove     3
    Anna's Hummingbird     7
    Acorn Woodpecker     2
    Nuttall's Woodpecker     3
    Downy Woodpecker     3
    Hairy Woodpecker     1
    Northern Flicker     2
    Black Phoebe     2
    Steller's Jay     13
    Western Scrub-Jay     30
    American Crow     2
    Chestnut-backed Chickadee     15
    Oak Titmouse     14
    Bushtit     28
    White-breasted Nuthatch     8
    Bewick's Wren     5
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet     1
    Western Bluebird     6
    American Robin     13
    European Starling     3
    Yellow Warbler     1
    Yellow-rumped Warbler     1
    Black-throated Gray Warbler     1
    Townsend's Warbler     2
    Western Tanager     2
    Spotted Towhee     2
    California Towhee     6
    White-crowned Sparrow     11
    Golden-crowned Sparrow     3
    Black-headed Grosbeak     1
    Purple Finch     1
    House Finch     37
    Lesser Goldfinch     12
    American Goldfinch     2
    This report was generated automatically by eBird v2
    Happy Trails,
    James R. Tietz
    Arcata, CA
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