[EBB Sightings] Berkeley Marina - Cesar Chavez Park: Short-eared Owl, Clay-colored Sparrow

[EBB Sightings] Berkeley Marina - Cesar Chavez Park: Short-eared Owl, Clay-colored Sparrow

jack hayden
Fri Oct 13 13:50:14 PDT 2006
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    Today from 10am to 11:30am I birded Cesar Chavez Park with my baby in tow.  
    I observed a Short-eared Owl flying in a northerly direction high over the 
    tall grass northern section of the park.  It continued out over the bay 
    towards the Albany Bulb then returned to the park and came very close to 
    landing, then once again headed north over the bay.  It eventually returned 
    giving close views and landed in the northern section of the park, but 
    eluded further observation even though I walked completely around the 
    probable area of landing, keeping plenty of distance so as not to disturb 
    A Clay-colored Sparrow was observed in the shrubs along the north path at 
    the northeast corner of the peninsula.  It was associating with other 
    sparrows and was refound after a short break.
    Other birds of interest:  White-throated Sparrow at north edge of wooded 
    area of park; Cooper's Hawk near the wooded area; Lincoln Sparrows; 
    White-tailed Kite pair in tall grass area.

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