[EBB Sightings] The Gang's all Here

[EBB Sightings] The Gang's all Here

Phila Rogers
Thu Oct 12 20:54:11 PDT 2006
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] MURRE UPDATE
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Shadow Cliffs 12 Oct

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    Dear Birding Friends:
    When I stepped outside early Sunday morning I heard the first Hermit Thrush 
    of the season in my garden and further off the eerie, sustained notes of a 
    Varied Thrush.  In my oak, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet sung a fragment of his 
    spring song along with its emphatic scolds.  White-crowned, Golden-crowned 
    and Fox Sparrows have established feeding territories on my deck feeders 
    joining a flock of winter juncos. Their energy seems to have infected 
    resident birds dispersing the doldrums of late summer.  Robins are more 
    numerous and conversational now as they gather to begin feasting on ripening 
    cotoneaster berries.
    Though the days grow shorter, this is a joyful time of the year.  Monarch 
    butterflies drift singly through the garden.  Orb weavers fatten in their 
    webs.  Tree crickets sing after dark -- their pulsing song louder on mild 
    evenings, subdued on cool ones.
    With the good rain last week, winged termites emerged for their moment in 
    the sun, following their young queen to establish a new colony.
    Phila Rogers

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