[EBB Sightings] Collared Dove(s?) continue in Livermore

[EBB Sightings] Collared Dove(s?) continue in Livermore

Fri Sep 15 14:05:52 PDT 2006
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    I took a lunch-time bike ride to Murrieta's Well today to look again for
    the Eurasian Collared Doves.  I'm pretty sure I saw one or two fly in
    about 2 weeks ago, but wanted a better sighting.  After about 15 minutes I
    was about to head out when I heard the Collared Dove's distinctive coos. 
    I found it perched on the large electrical tower near the PG&E gate at the
    end of the road.  As I was walking back to my bike, what I think was
    another one flew in and landed close by on the telephone line by the
    winery driveway.  It flew in from the opposite direction, so I thought it
    was a separate individual, but when I checked the tower, that one was
    gone.  So at least one, maybe two.  The pale sandy coloration, broad
    whitish terminal tail band, black neck crescent, and of course calls were
    all obvious.
    Fewer other birds this time around - turkeys, House Finches, Black Phoebe,
    a dark Red-tailed Hawk, Turkey Vultures, a couple of Y-billed Magpies,
    plus Bewick's Wren and probable Wislon's Warblers heard.
    Jaan Lepson

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