[EBB Sightings] Fw: Bird Walk in UC Bontanic Garden

[EBB Sightings] Fw: Bird Walk in UC Bontanic Garden

Phila Rogers
Sat Aug 19 15:31:33 PDT 2006
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    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: "Phila Rogers" 
    Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 2:07 PM
    Subject: Bird Walk in UC Bontanic Garden
    > Dear Birders:
    > This morning I joined Chris Carmichael -- he's the associate director of 
    > the UC Botanical Garden in charge of botanical collections and an ardent 
    > birder -- for a bird walk.  He was leading a four-times-a-year Saturday 
    > morning bird walk in the Garden for 20 participants.
    > Being August, we expected the low count of the year, but in fact we saw 
    > and/or heard 26 species.  The morning began foggy but by 9:30 the sun 
    > broke through invigorating the local birds as well as the participants. 
    > The Garden occupies the upper reaches of Strawberry Canyon and has a 
    > variety of both planted and natural habitats.
    > The list included:
    > Red-shouldered Hawk
    > Red-tailed Hawk
    > Cooper's Hawk
    > California Quail
    > Band-tailed Pigeon
    > Mourning Dove
    > Anna's Hummingbird
    > Allen's Hummingbird
    > Northern Flicker
    > Nuttall's Woodpecker
    > Western Wood-Pewee
    > Steller's Jay
    > Western Scrub-Jay
    > Wrentit
    > Chestnut-backed Chickadee
    > Bushtit
    > Brown Creeper
    > Bewick's Wren
    > American Robin
    > California Thrasher
    > California Towhee
    > Spotted Towhee
    > Song Sparrow
    > Dark-eyed Junco
    > Lesser Goldfinch
    > House Finch
    > Every East Bay birder's arsenal should include a membership at the UC 
    > Botanical Garden at the top of Strawberry Canyon -- a truly beautiful 
    > place where over the year more than 80 species have been recorded.
    > For those interested in reading about Strawberry Canyon over the last 
    > century, check out our homepage:  Mount Diablo Audubon Society and click 
    > on "More Bird Poetry..."
    > Phila Rogers

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