[EBB Sightings] Frank's Dump

[EBB Sightings] Frank's Dump

Mon Aug 14 19:41:27 PDT 2006
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    Hi, East Bay Birders
    Well, once again we didn't read every line of the previous posts. We went
    off like a shot, and got there for low tide. We didn't really understand
    where Frank's Dump is. We thought it was the actual working landfill, but
    now we think it is the unnamed large squarish pond/marsh south of Sulphur
    Creek on the Hayward Regional Shoreline official map. This colloquial naming
    and inspecificity is annoying to us as still-somewhat-novice birders trying
    to find unfamiliar locations. In addition, Bob was so excited about all the
    Red Knots that he wrote "Walk 1/2 mile west to the bay. walk another 1/2
    mile east and Frank's dump is on your right, just east of the Bay Trail."
    Well, if you walk 1/2 mile west and then walk 1/2 mile east, you are back
    where you started from. I believe he meant west then north, which is what we
    To contribute to the madness, the CSAA map doesn't show any detail at all
    for Hayward Regional Shoreline, I guess 'cause there's no roads. But the
    official park map also doesn't show the very large lake east of the area
    named "landfill" and south of the flood control channel, where we saw
    Mallards and 300+ Ruddy Ducks. It also doesn't show the pond south of
    Frank's Dump, where we found the Stilts, Red-necked Phalaropes, and Avocets.
    The official park map DOES have this statement on it: "Please let us know
    how this map may be improved to help you use this park. Write, email, or
    call with your suggestions: 2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland CA 94605;
    info at ebparks.org; (510) 544-2210.
    Be all that as it may, there were no birds in that particular
    marsh/pond/former dump that is below the height of the trail. They were all
    out on the mudflats west of the Bay Trail. We did knot see Golden plover sp.
    We did see:
    White-tailed Kite     1
    Snowy Egret            8
    Barn Swallow           83
    Forster's Tern        13
    Willet                    338
    Great Egret            5
    Western Sandpiper     4000+
    Long-billed Curlew       21
    Black-bellied Plover           143
    Marbled Godwit            425
    House Finch            37
    Black-crowned Night Heron         1 Adult &  1 juvenile flying over together
    Semi-palmated Plover        20
    Black-necked Stilts        37
    Red-necked Phalaropes    20
    Turkey Vultures    6
    Least Sandpiper    30
    Short-billed Dowitcher    390
    Red Knots    50
    California Gulls    480
    American Avocet    305
    Yours for more rewarding birding
    Laurie Graham
    Jeff Fairclough

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