[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills--Monday

[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills--Monday

Alan Howe
Thu Jun 15 13:18:11 PDT 2006
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    Hi, all.
      This comes a bit late. I managed to spend time at
    Coyote Hills RP both in the morning and late afternoon
    last Monday. It was a great time and I added 2 birds
    to my life list.
      Among those sighted:
    Common moorhen,
    Marsh wren (including nest),
    Swallows--barn, possible cliff, & tree or blue-green,
    Pied-billed grebe,
    Cinnamon teal, 
    Forster's tern,
    Common yellowthroat,
    Bullock's oriole,
    California towhee,
    Allen's hummingbird,
    Scrub jay,
    White-tailed kite,
    Red-tail hawk,
    House finch,
    Song sparrow,
    Blackbirds--redwing & Brewer's,
    Great blue heron,
    various Egrets,
    Lesser goldfinch,
    Canada goose.
      I also just glimpsed an unidentified tiny something
    entering its nest in the cattails right beside a trail
    and heard what sounded like a pheasant. (Anything more
    common in the area that sounds like one?) And I caught
    a quick glimpse of what looked sort of like a winter
    wren. I'm imagining it was another marsh wren, since
    this doesn't seem like normal habitat for winters.
      I was impressed at how quiet, given the proximity of
    traffic, the area around the main marsh is. A great
    Alan Howe
    North Oakland
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