[EBB Sightings] Briones Grasshopper Sparrow

[EBB Sightings] Briones Grasshopper Sparrow

patrick king
Fri Jun 02 16:11:32 PDT 2006
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    Hugh, Grasshopper Sparrows were still present last night after the 
    unfortunate "big mow."  There were at least a couple of them around 
    the fence or on the slope behind it.  This is the fence behind the 
    "water trough" a few yards past the kiosk, at the Bear Creek Road 
    entrance to Briones. They were present last night and another evening 
    that I looked for them last week.
    It is neat to have Grasshopper Sparrow so accessible here.  I've only 
    seen them before way up in the trails.
    I've actually been stopping by this entrance quite a bit to find 
    Chipping Sparrow which are normally present around the parking lot. I 
    have not located  any Chipping Sparrow here this year, but I do see 
    that Joe had them somewhere on his trip list two weeks ago.
    At 2:08 PM -0700 6/2/06, Hugh Harvey wrote:
    >Checked today for the Grasshopper Sparrow which was reported by Joe Morlan
    >on May 20.  It was heard on May 25 by many particiipants during a Mount
    >Diablo Audubon Society field trip.  Alas, the entire grass area from the
    >kiosk to the gate 150 yards or so up the road, and from the road to the
    >fence line, has been mowed, possibly just this morning.  As it was shortly
    >before noon and I was on my bike, I kept going.
    >Hugh B. Harvey
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