[EBB Sightings] Hayward Regional Shoreline: Sunday

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Regional Shoreline: Sunday

Bob Power
Sun May 28 19:42:26 PDT 2006
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Briones Blue Grosbeak
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Green Heron, Hooded Oriole, W Kingbird, Red-shouldered Hawk

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    Hi all:
    Our Palo Alto Adult school class made three forays
    into the wilderness from the Hayward Interp. Center
    trailhead today (Breakwater/92 frontage road). 
    Shorebirds were scarce as expected, but not without
    Small flock of Willets
    Decent sized flock of Marbled Godwits, maybe 25 or so
    Whimbrel where the trail crosses the outlet flow to
    the bay (best bird? rarest bird? most unlikely bird?)
    Two fast flying shorebirds that flushed from the marsh
    that "upon further contemplation" were Dowitcher spp.
    It's a singular pleasure to go to a marsh/bay
    interface, out of season (whatever that means) and be
    able to admire every bird that pops up as a treasure.
    The 6 a.m. flyout of Black-crowned Night Herons is
    always a pleasure (and where are you going? sleeping?
    or hunting?). And the birding by ear is limited to a
    discreet number of birds, notably, the Savannah
    Sparrows, singing on "territory" which seems to be
    about 50 yards maximum, Forster's Terns heard
    screeching from significant distances, and the
    occasional bark of Black-necked Stilts.
    The Cliff Swallow Colony at the first bridge, is worth
    visiting, to see their industry and the various cliff
    dwellings (Anastazi? sp?) in various stages of
    Park District staff slowed down to inform us of a
    Swamp Sparrow sighting three miles to the north.....
    and a Falcon sighting in our area moments ago....
    missed by us! chagrin.
    Good birding,
    Bob Power 

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