[EBB Sightings] Ghost Hummer!

[EBB Sightings] Ghost Hummer!

Mon Apr 24 11:52:46 PDT 2006
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    Good Morning
    Another Emryville oddity: a completely white
    hummingbird. I observed the bird quite closely for a
    minute or so. There was not a patch of color anywhere
    on the body or tail - it was competely white!
    What species it was I cannot say. Overall it looked
    longer and leaner than the resident Anna's and I've no
    record of other species in the area. I live at
    Watergate and have never seen this bird before so I
    assume its only recently arrived.
    If you want to look for the bird, scout the garden
    along the southern side of the main pool.
    Have a nice day.
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