[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon

[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon

judi sierra
Thu Apr 06 15:18:27 PDT 2006
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    I went to Mitchell Canyon (Mt. Diablo State Park) today, hoping the storms 
    had brought in some spring arrivals, but alas. Nevertheless highlights of 
    our old favorites were a Turkey trio on the hillside near the parking lot.  
    3 Hermit Thrushes, A large flock of mixed Myrtle and Audubon Yellow-rumped 
    Warblers from drab to stunning  bright new plumage, a large flock of 
    American Goldfinches near the parking lot, ditto the plumage. I heard 4 
    Orange Crowned Warblers and one Wrentit. There are a few species of early 
    wildflowers and the stream is roaring!
    Judi Sierra- Oakland

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