[EBB Sightings] Fw: Mines Road Saturday April 29

[EBB Sightings] Fw: Mines Road Saturday April 29

Hugh Harvey
Sun Apr 30 21:40:59 PDT 2006
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    Many birders were out Saturday on Mines Road including a group from Mount
    Diablo Audubon Society.  We had many Band-tailed Pigeons at Murietta's Well.
    At Del Valle we birded the lake from the boat-ramp area where we had Caspian
    and Forster's Terns, Western Grebe chicks on mom's back being fed by dad, a
    flying Spotted Sandpiper, 2 Great-tailed Grackles near the beach and a Bald
    Eagle which flew the length of the lake.  At M.P. 5.75 we had California
    Thrashers, heard Wrentits and up around the corner we had Lazuli Buntings.
    At M.P. 13.83 we had Ash-throated Flycatcher, Bullock's Oriole and Wilson's
    Warbler.  The Lawrence's Goldfinches were at the CDF fire station near the
    Junction, the Lewis' Woodpeckers were 1/2 a mile south of the Junction, and
    8 Wood Ducks were at the pond another mile-and-a half or so farther south.
    Many other expected species were seen or heard bringing our total to 77 for
    the day.  It was very windy when we stopped at Patterson Pass Road to search
    unsuccessfully for the blue Grosbeaks.
    Hugh B. Harvey

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