[EBB Sightings] Tufted Duck / Waterthrush continue

[EBB Sightings] Tufted Duck / Waterthrush continue

Laura Look
Sun Mar 19 20:55:08 PST 2006
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    After failing (again) to find the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker or 
    White-throated Sparrow in Concord this morning (Sun, 3/19/2006), we took 
    the long way home via Berkeley in the afternoon.  (A lovely Green Heron was 
    a consolation prize in the creek at Newhall Community Park in Concord.)
    At Berkeley Aquatic Park, the TUFTED DUCK continues in the southeastern 
    corner of the main lagoon.  In fact, he was so close that we could have 
    watched him from the car.
    The NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH put up more of a challenge, but finally made an 
    appearance in the usual spot at the northeast corner of the southern-most 
    pond.  A flock of Cedar Waxwings was hanging out in a tree with berries 
    just above the path at the waterthrush spot.
    Good birding,
    Laura Look
    Pinole, CA

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