[EBB Sightings] Goldfinches Warming Up

[EBB Sightings] Goldfinches Warming Up

Alan Howe
Thu Feb 16 18:31:02 PST 2006
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    Hi all.
      This morning I spotted some unfamiliar figures
    catching the sun's first rays. I had to traipse out
    and around the block to get at the right angle to
    really see them and discovered a small flock of
    American goldfinches. It took a few minutes to ID them
    because the males are between plumages and slightly
    confusing. As the sun got higher, they got more
    active, which, given the frost, is entirely
      I don't know that I've ever seen more than just a
    couple of these birds in the vicinity of my yard
    before and I'd guess there were maybe 10-15 in this
    Alan Howe
    North Oakland
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