[EBB Sightings] Caspian Tern at MLK Shoreline
[EBB Sightings] Caspian Tern at MLK Shoreline
Mon Feb 27 20:02:07 PST 2006
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Hi Birders.
I visited the Shoreline at high tide today, hoping for a Nelson's Sharp-t=
ail or Black Rail, neither of which I was surprised not to see. But I did=
see a CASPIAN TERN hanging out with the gulls at the edge of the seasona=
l wetland (about a month early for returning migrants, according to Birds=
of No. CA). Six CACKLING GEESE (of the Minima subsp., as they seemed to =
be a little smaller than the White-fronted) and nine GREATER WHITE-FRONTE=
D GEESE were present (and previously reported on 2/4 by Bob Lewis). A VIR=
GINIA as well as SORA and CLAPPER RAILS were in the marsh.
A PEREGRINE was on the ground at the seasonal wetland .
Good birding,
Emily Serkin
Castro Valley
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oday, hoping for a Nelson's Sharp-tail or Black Rail, neither of which I =
was surprised not to see. But I did see a CASPIAN TERN hanging out with the gulls at the edge of the se=
asonal wetland (about a month early for returning migrants, according to =
Birds of No. CA). Six CACKLING GEESE (of the Minima subsp., as they=
seemed to be a little smaller than the White-fronted) and nine GREATER W=
HITE-FRONTED GEESE were present (and previously reported on 2/4 by B=
ob Lewis). A VIRGINIA as well as SORA and CLAPPER RAILS were in the=
easonal wetland .
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