[EBB Sightings] 2 more White-throated Sparrows

[EBB Sightings] 2 more White-throated Sparrows

Ted Robertson
Wed Jan 25 17:29:08 PST 2006
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    I have two more tan striped White-throated Sparrows sightings to add 
    to your list:
    1/16/06:  1/2 mile north of Larkey Park in Walnut Creek where the 
    Briones Trail first crosses a creek by a pair of 5 foot diameter 
    EBMUD pipes.
    1/18/05:  Vollmer Peak, Tilden Park, Berkeley, about .4 miles up the 
    Seaview Trail from the parking lot.
    Ted Robertson
    Lawrence Hall of Science
    University of California
    Berkeley, CA 94720-5200
    url: lawrencehallofscience.org

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