[EBB Sightings] Backyard White-throated Sparrows
[EBB Sightings] Backyard White-throated Sparrows
Alan Krakauer
Sun Jan 22 16:36:09 PST 2006
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In the past week I've had 2 female and 1 male
purple finches at my feeder in Richmond View near the
El Cerrito border.
some other late reports...
Last weekend we also had a lincoln's sparrow- hadn't
seen one for a couple of months, and a white-throated
sparrow at Pt. Isabel.
good birding,
January 22, 2006 3:38:55 PM PST
I just noticed the White-throated feeding along side
a Fox Sparrow .
The Tan Stripped White-throated Sp. has been in the
back yard consistently
since Nov25th.
I've had two Fox Sparrow for the same amount of time,
many White and Golden
Crowns too.
One yard bird I have not had this year is the Purple
In fact I have only seen posting of Purple Finch for
southern Arizona.
I don't think ~ (?) I've noticed the Purple Finch
mentioned in any
Has anyone in the bay area had Purple Finch for 2006 ?
Rich Cimino
Alan H. Krakauer, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Patricelli Lab
Section of Evolution and Ecology
University of California
One Shields Avenue
2320 Storer Hall
Davis, CA 95616
Office: 530-754-7837
Fax: 530-752-1449
ahkrakauer at ucdavis.edu
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