[EBB Sightings] White-throated Sparrow and Band Tail Pigeons a tally

[EBB Sightings] White-throated Sparrow and Band Tail Pigeons a tally

John Harris
Fri Jan 27 06:17:05 PST 2006
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    Rich et al.
    I had a White-throated Sparrow in my yard Jan. 7, which you may have 
    gotten from this list already.
    Just to add to the Band-tailed Pigeon discussion, I've had them once as a 
    flyover at my house in Oakland, which is right along Highway 13 near the 
    intersection of Monterey and Lincoln.  I see them with some regularity, 
    however, in Redwood Regional Park along the Dunn Trail (near the old park 
    headquarters) and in Redwood 
    Canyon. I've seen them feeding on madrone berries, and I'm sure they also 
    take advantage of acorns and maybe bay nuts(?).
    John Harris, Oakland
    John H. Harris
    Professor of Biology
    Mills College
    5000 MacArthur Blvd.
    Oakland, CA 94613
    (510) 430-2027
    johnh at mills.edu
    On Fri, 27 Jan 2006, Richard Cimino wrote:
    > Just for fun no real scientific  purpose intended.
    > Another 4 east bay birders posters have respond with 9 more White -throated Sparrows:
    > Both Pat Gordon records keeper for Alameda CBC and Jim Edger of Contra Costa  CBC respond too.
    > Alameda CBC had four WTSP on the count. Contra Costa CBC had a total of three.
    > The total is 23 east bay White throated Sparrows this winter.
    > The Band Tail Pigeons folks all twelve of them  - have posted accumlative sightings of 58 Band Tail Pigeons.
    > Some mentioned sighting's going back into last summer.
    > It seem that all the sightings are located close to the ridgeline which devides the eastern county from the western county. Of course this is where the Oak Forest Habitat is.
    > Recent sightings 2005-2006  are at 11birds.
    > Richard Cimino
    > rscimino at earthlink.net
    > EarthLink Revolves Around You.

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