[EBB Sightings] Shadow Cliffs

[EBB Sightings] Shadow Cliffs

Dennis Braddy
Sun Nov 27 15:30:07 PST 2005
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    Though Pat and I ran across a large flock of crowned sparrows several  
    times at Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area in Pleasanton this  
    morning and checked out every bird each time, we did not see the  
    White-throated Sparrow reported previously. We did, however, see 56  
    other species including CALIFORNIA THRASHER, PURPLE FINCH, COMMON  
    and HORNED GREBE. Never having been to Shadow Cliffs before we were  
    surprised at the number of thrashers (6+), all of whom seemed to be  
    quietly singing to themselves, usually with their bills closed. The  
    sky-pointing male grackle was being ignored by his two female  
    companions who were helping themselves to the contents of a garbage can.
    Note that there is a $6.00 parking fee and dogs are permitted  
    ($2.00). For directions and a map: http://www.ebparks.org
    This afternoon on a Dog-and-Bird-Walk around our San Ramon  
    neighborhood Skip and I had WHITE-TAILED KITE (usual), a fly-over  
    MERLIN (decidedly not usual), and a protracted, close-range, and  
    motionless (all 3 of us), encounter with a HERMIT THRUSH.
    Dennis and Patricia Braddy and Skip
    San Ramon

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