[EBB Sightings] Redwood Park

[EBB Sightings] Redwood Park

Alan Howe
Sun Oct 23 19:16:01 PDT 2005
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    Hi, all.
       I had a pleasant, short walk down in the canyon in
    Redwood Regional yesterday around noon. (The action
    was really good as the sun rose over the hills in the
    morning, but I was helping out with a fun run and
    couldn't use the binocs to look.)
      Among the birds I saw:
      Northern flicker--red shafted; a number of them,
      legions of yellow-rumped warblers,
      Jays--scrub and Steller's,
      Red-tail, juvenile light-morph,
      Gold-crowned sparrow,
      White-crowned sparrow, 
      Black phoebe,
      California towhee,
      Dark-eyed junco,
      Townsend's warbler,
      California quail,
      Red-breasted nuthatch (quick glimpses, but I'm
    pretty sure on        
            this ID),
      Hermit thrush (the little guy seemed as interested
    in me as I was
            was in him; he just cocked his head and
    watched me for a 
      When I returned home to our north Oakland yard, I
    discovered a juvenile Cooper's hawk in our walnut
    tree, watching the squirrels nearby, but not going
    after them. (One of the squirrels had quite a time
    figuring out how to get where he wanted to go because
    the Coop was sitting right at a limb junction in the
    way.) After a couple of minutes, I discovered a couple
    of crows in a nearby tree and figured the Coop was
    trying to avoid their teasing/attacks. The hawk left
    after a bit--and the crows soon followed.
      Have a good week.
    Alan Howe
    Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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