[EBB Sightings] GGAS field trip to Pt. Reyes

[EBB Sightings] GGAS field trip to Pt. Reyes

Phila Rogers
Thu Oct 06 17:34:04 PDT 2005
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    Dear Birders:
    Last Friday I was fortunate to join Bob Lewis' GGAS field trip to Pt. =
    Reyes.  Escaping the hazy, overheated East Bay, we joined the group at =
    Five Brooks parking lot.  Bob had the scope set up, focused on a Douglas =
    Fir where two red-shouldered hawks were basking the sun, =
    cinnamon-colored and beautiful in the early light.
    Once the group was assembled (about 12 of us), we set off to follow the =
    trail around the pond.  The day was delightfully fresh and fragrant, =
    cool in the shade and warm in the sun.  The bays, oaks, and alders ere =
    full of small birds, all active, all resembling quivering leaves to this =
    less-than-sharp-eyed birder.  Bob lamented that they were the "usuals" =
    -- Townsend's warblers, chestnut-backed chickadees, ruby-crowned =
    kinglets, and feeding on the ground -- fox sparrows and mostly golden =
    crowns calling back and forth.
    The first folks at an opening with a view of the pond, flushed several =
    wood ducks where were airborne by the time I caught up (rather than =
    considering myself a laggard, I prefer to believe that I'm performing =
    the valuable function as the "sweep").  The less-skittish birds remained =
    -- several pied-billed grebes, a moorhen, and the usual mallards.
    'With places to go and things to see,' we caravanned to Olema Marsh at =
    the upper end of Tomales Bay.  A male cinnamon teal slipped into the =
    reeds before I got my glass on him.  Not much else on the marsh or in =
    the surrounding dry grass, but just seeing a healthy marsh in its =
    seasonal transition colors of russet and all manner of greens was a =
    Then a quick stop at nearby Whitehouse Pool (Pond?) where the first =
    people at the edge of the water were in time to catch a glimpse of =
    several river otters.  Old slow poke settled for disturbed water and a =
    muddy bank.  We headed for Drake's Beach.  Passing through Inverness I =
    eyed a toothsome-looking bakery remembering my lunch of a peanut butter =
    sandwich and limp carrot sticks.  At Drake's Beach we had brief looks at =
    two barn owns flying between the cypress -- handsome pale birds against =
    the dark trees.  After a picnic lunch where my friend ignored my staring =
    at her delicious-looking meat sandwich, we packed up for our last stop =
    at the lighthouse, where I hoped for Bob's sake we would spot a rarity =
    or two (some folks just can't be satisfied with a perfect day).
    I declined to join the group for the trek downhill to the lighthouse and =
    instead stretched out on the back seat in the sun with a delicious fresh =
    breeze off the ocean coming through the opened door.  I feel off to =
    sleep wondering how far that breeze had come before reaching us.
    The group returned having to settle for a Say's phoebe and a Tennessee =
    warbler which on closer examination morphed into an orange-crowned =
    warbler.  Bob apologized (again) for not turning up more birds.  Seems =
    he'd rather have wind, fog, rain -- and rarities.  I say: "Thanks, Bob, =
    for such a day in one of the most beautiful parks anywhere.
    -- Phila Rogers=20
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    Reyes.  Escaping the hazy, overheated East Bay, we joined the group =
    at Five=20
    Brooks parking lot.  Bob had the scope set up, focused on a Douglas =
    where two red-shouldered hawks were basking the sun, cinnamon-colored =
    beautiful in the early light.
    trail around the pond.  The day was delightfully fresh and =
    fragrant, cool=20
    in the shade and warm in the sun.  The bays, oaks, and alders ere =
    full of=20
    small birds, all active, all resembling quivering leaves to this=20
    less-than-sharp-eyed birder.  Bob lamented that they were the =
    "usuals" --=20
    Townsend's warblers, chestnut-backed chickadees, ruby-crowned kinglets, =
    feeding on the ground -- fox sparrows and mostly golden crowns calling =
    back and=20
    several wood=20
    ducks where were airborne by the time I caught up (rather than =
    myself a laggard, I prefer to believe that I'm performing the valuable =
    as the "sweep").  The less-skittish birds remained -- several=20
    pied-billed grebes, a moorhen, and the usual mallards.
    at the=20
    upper end of Tomales Bay.  A male cinnamon teal slipped into the =
    before I got my glass on him.  Not much else on the marsh or in the =
    surrounding dry grass, but just seeing a healthy marsh in its seasonal=20
    transition colors of russet and all manner of greens was a treat.
    at the edge of the water were in time to catch a glimpse of several =
    otters.  Old slow poke settled for disturbed water and a muddy =
    bank.  We headed for Drake's Beach.  Passing through Inverness =
    I eyed=20
    a toothsome-looking bakery remembering my lunch of a peanut butter =
    sandwich and=20
    limp carrot sticks.  At Drake's Beach we had brief looks at two =
    barn owns=20
    flying between the cypress -- handsome pale birds against the dark =
    trees. =20
    After a picnic lunch where my friend ignored my staring at her =
    meat sandwich, we packed up for our last stop at the lighthouse, where I =
    for Bob's sake we would spot a rarity or two (some folks just can't be =
    with a perfect day).
    lighthouse and=20
    instead stretched out on the back seat in the sun with a delicious fresh =
    off the ocean coming through the opened door.  I feel off to sleep=20
    wondering how far that breeze had come before reaching us.
    warbler which on closer examination morphed into an orange-crowned=20
    warbler.  Bob apologized (again) for not turning up more =
    birds.  Seems=20
    he'd rather have wind, fog, rain -- and rarities.  I say: "Thanks, =
    Bob, for=20
    such a day in one of the most beautiful parks anywhere.

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