[EBB Sightings] RE: Sightings digest, Vol 1 #416 - 3 msgs

[EBB Sightings] RE: Sightings digest, Vol 1 #416 - 3 msgs

Peter Boffey
Mon Aug 29 12:21:09 PDT 2005
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Limeridge Open Space
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] common terns

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    Too bad Round Valley was closed. Last Thursday August 25 from 10 AM to 1
    PM I hiked into Round Valley itself, the floor of which was burned. Area
    to the south of Miwok Trail appeared to me the result of a (successful)
    controlled burn; the area to the north seemed, if it was started as a
    controlled burn, to have gotten way: oaks way up hill were blackened.
    On the round trip I spotted golden eagles (1 juvenile & 1 adult),
    red-tailed, turkey vultures, kestrels, mourning doves, black phoebe,
    blue-gray gnatcatchers (2), bushtits, starlings, acorn woodpeckers,
    Downey woodpecker, crows, scrub jays, Anna's hummer, white-breasted
    nuthatch, Bewick's wren, mockingbird, oak titmouse. A coyote retreating
    from the edge of the burned field. An adult rattler within 10 feet of an
    Audubon's rabbit: see snake coil, hear snake rattle, watch man walking
    quickly backwards....
    Peter Boffey
    Pacific Coast Seed, Inc.
    Tel. 925-373-4417 ext. 1603
    Fax  925 373 6855
    peterb at pcseed.com
    -----Original Message-----
    From: sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com
    [mailto:sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com] On Behalf Of
    sightings-request at diabloaudubon.com
    Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 12:00 AM
    To: sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    Subject: Sightings digest, Vol 1 #416 - 3 msgs
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    Today's Topics:
       1. Fwd: East Shore State Park - Phalaropes (Ann McGregor)
       2. Godwits, kestrel at MLK Shoreline (Tom Condit)
       3. Limeridge Open Space (CPeter1071 at aol.com)
    Message: 1
    Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 10:35:05 -0700
    From: Ann McGregor 
    To: sightings 
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Fwd: East Shore State Park - Phalaropes
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    Content-Type: text/plain;
    Begin forwarded message:
    > From: "Robert Lewis" 
    > Date: Sun Aug 28, 2005  8:54:51 AM US/Pacific
    > To: 
    > Subject: East Shore State Park - Phalaropes
    > If you=92re interested in participating in a year-long census of
    > birds of the new state park (starting in October), contact Tara at=20
    > ggas at goldengateaudubon.com.=A0 Golden Gate Audubon will be operating =
    > census in order to develop a checklist of the birds of the park,
    > to provide some input on key habitat areas for birds within the new=20
    > park.
    > =A0
    > Yesterday in the park, along the Bay Trail at 51st in Richmond,
    > were 10 Red-necked Phalaropes in the shallow pond to the east of
    > trail.=A0 Two Black Oystercatchers were further north in the rocky =
    > west of the trail, and an Osprey flew directly over us.=A0
    > =A0
    > Bob Lewis
    > Berkeley, CA
    > RLewis0727 at aol.com
    > =A0
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    Content-Type: text/enriched;
    Begin forwarded message:
    participating in a year-long census of the birds of the new state park
    (starting in October), contact Tara at
    Golden Gate Audubon will be operating the census in order to develop a
    checklist of the birds of the park, and to provide some input on key
    habitat areas for birds within the new park.
    the Bay Trail at 51st in Richmond, there were 10 Red-necked Phalaropes
    in the shallow pond to the east of the trail.=A0 Two Black
    Oystercatchers were further north in the rocky area west of the trail,
    and an Osprey flew directly over us.=A0 
    Message: 2
    Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 15:35:31 -0700
    To: sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    From: Tom Condit 
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Godwits, kestrel at MLK Shoreline
    Saturday, 27 August 2005, Marsha Feinland and I saw two Marbled Godwits
    breeding plumage at Martin Luther King Jr Shoreline in Oakland. This
    early for this species. They were in with a flock of 30+ Willets along
    parh between the bridge from Arrowhead Marsh and Damon Slough.
    Also, a female Kestrel flew over us at Arrowhead. This species was once
    everyday sight along the Bay shore and roads in this area, but neither
    us can remember the last time we saw one.
    Tom Condit
    Tom Condit
    tomcondit at igc.org
    Message: 3
    From: CPeter1071 at aol.com
    Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 20:51:50 EDT
    To: sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Limeridge Open Space
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    Following up on Sharyn G's info on Limeridge in Concord, I have visited
    twice. Today I found several KITES, two RED-TAILED HAWKS, a male KESTREL
    and a  
    juvie COOPER'S HAWK. The kestrel greeted me as I got out of my car in
    parking lot on Via Montanas St. The kites like to hang out in the oaks
    and other  
    trees off of Via Montanas (about half a mile due south of the small
    lot). This is the best place I have seen for kites. There were at least
    5 the  
    previous visit. I flushed the coop while it was eating something under a
    It flew to another tree and then came back to resume dining. Near the
    tree  I also flushed several PHEASANTS. The redtails were about 100
    yards uphill 
    and  north of the parking lot in a tall tree.On my previous visit, I saw
    redtail  grab a mouse and take it up to an oak tree for the feast. 
    I then visited Round Valley Park but found it closed due to fire danger.
    Does anyone else find that people are causing lots of fires due to
    binocular usage or clicking camera shutter buttons? I was disappointed
    so  headed 
    to nearby Mount Diablo State Park, which was wide open. 
    Clark Peterson
    San Rafael
    Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    bottomMargin=3D7 leftMargin=3D7 topMargin=3D7 rightMargin=3D7>
    twice. Today I found several KITES, two RED-TAILED HAWKS, a male KESTREL
    juvie COOPER'S HAWK. The kestrel greeted me as I got out of my car in
    parking lot on Via Montanas St. The kites like to hang out in the oaks
    and o=
    trees off of Via Montanas (about half a mile due south of the small
    lot). This is the best place I have seen for kites. There were at least
    5 th=
    previous visit. I flushed the coop while it was eating something under a
    It flew to another tree and then came back to resume dining. Near the
    same t=
    I also flushed several PHEASANTS. The redtails were about 100 yards
    uphill a=
    north of the parking lot in a tall tree.On my previous visit, I saw a
    grab a mouse and take it up to an oak tree for the feast. 
    Does anyone else find that people are causing lots of fires due to
    binocular usage or clicking camera shutter buttons? I was
    disappointed =
    headed to nearby Mount Diablo State Park, which was wide open. 
    You got this message because you visited www.diabloaudubon.com and
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    End of Sightings Digest

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