Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Re: burrowing owls in Dublin
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I have regularly seen a white tailed kite patrolling
those fields in recent weeks.
The owls at Tassajara & Dublin Blvd are still visible.
However, we have not seen the Sybase owls in two
weeks. But we have not checked at dusk when they are
most visible. The fledglings were flying around a
little a few weeks ago; I wonder if the parents leave
the nesting area after the young fledge and leave?
--- KBoat33 at wrote:
> My family stopped by Northside Dr. off Santa Rita in
> Dublin this evening and
> enjoyed watching six or seven burrowing owls in
> flight and on the ground. Also
> spotted: a kestrel on the other side of the field
> next to Dublin Blvd., and a
> little farther down, across from the new apartment
> construction, a loggerhead
> shrike.
> Kim
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