[EBB Sightings] California Visit

[EBB Sightings] California Visit

Thu Jun 23 13:26:02 PDT 2005
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Are the Swainson's Hawks still there?
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    Thank you to the many members who helped me with my trip to California.  I was able to see many more birds with the wonderful local tips I received.  I am including an abbreviatted list of species seen.  One of the surprises was the Burrowing Owls that I saw along Dublin Road.  This area is only 7-8 blocks from my sister's house.  What concerns me is the habitat destruction around there and what appears imminent development in that area.  I wondered if the Owls have been considered in the developement plans?
    I loved visiting your area and was impressed by the many beautiful areas already set aside for wildlife.  I wish I had time to make it to the coast for its' birds and splendor.
    Wed 15:   
    Evening trip up Mt. Diablo with my family all stuffed into a car.  White-throated Swifts were on seen from the top of the mountain. Most of the birds were seen in the parking lot, on the bridge, on the beginning of the Canyon View trail, and the road into and out of the park.
    Thursday 16  
    7:00 a.m. start at Sunol Wilderness Park
    Yellow Billed Magpie
    Cal Quail
    Acorn Woodpecker
    Western Bluebird
    Oak Titmouse
    Nutall's Woodpecker
    Spotted Towhee
    Chestnut-backed Chickadee
    Violet-green Swallow
    Bullock's Orioles
    Scrub Jay
    Bewick's Wren
    W.B. Nuthatch
    Dark-Eyed Junco
    Pac. Slope Flycatcher
    N. Flicker
    Orange Crowned Warbler
    Black Phoebe
    Lesser Goldfinch
    W. Wood Pewee
    Cal. Towhee
    Friday 17: I took my children back to Sunol, but at 11:30 in the morning.  We saw many of the same, but not with the same intensity.  There young voices tend to flush many of the birds long before I get there.  I did add:
    Ash-throated Flycatcher
    Warbling Vireo (on bridge)
    Hutton's Vireo (responded to pishing)
    Brewer's blackbird
    Sat 18:  Solo Mine's Road trip starting at 6:45 in the morning.  I loved the ride and the many stops.  I saw many of the already mentioned birds and added:
    Phainopepla at mile 6.26
    Golden Eagle at mile 10.64
    Golden Eagle pair about a mile after the single bird.
    Wild Turkeys 
    Swainson's Hawks
    Cal. Gul
    Sun 19:  There were many events for my family and not much birding.  My wife and I did take a trip up Mount Diablo in the late evening.  We did not go up to the top,  but rather went down the Walnut Creek side.  We saw:
    Stellar's Jay
    Lazuli Bunting  (singing atop a mighty oak)
    Ruffous-crowned Sparrow
    Monday 20:  Hooded Orioles at the Oakland Zoo
    Tuesday 21: Western Grebe at Lake Del Valle and in the evening Burrowing Owls (10) and Western Meadowlark were at Dublin Road and Tassajara in Dublin
    I think I saw about 70 species including 19 life and 10 additional year birds.  I loved the many different songs and cool weather break from Texas' hot summer.
    Thanks, Kenny Anderson
    Austin, TX
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