[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt

[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt

Clark Peterson
Thu Jun 23 09:15:05 PDT 2005
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    Hello, thanks to Travis Hails for the information on the Cooper's hawks
    at Lake Merritt. Last night at 7 I went to the area south of the
    fountain near Perkins and Grand and found a juvie in a tall conifer
    tree. This tree has light green needles and is right next to a similar
    tree. Most of the other trees are oaks. This bird was almost invisible
    as it hid behind some needles. I took pictures and then walked away. At
    that point I felt and heard a huge SWOOSH as it flew by my head. My
    heart was racing. I don't know how fast these birds fly but I can tell
    you it will amaze you. If you see it coming, it is mainly a blur. This
    bird kept swooping down every time I turned my back and walked a few
    steps. I did not get any photos of it in action but I did get a nice one
    of it perched that I will e-mail to anyone who is interested. This bird
    also tried to get some squirrels in various trees but had no luck.
    I then walked over to the lake and saw that there are many more Canada
    geese than my last visit about 6 weeks ago. Also many more cormorants,
    which are nesting offshore in some trees. Must be at least 100. There
    were plenty of mallards and egrets and black-crowned night herons (some
    juveniles too). Unlike my last visit, there were no scaups. I assume
    they migrated or were just in hiding.
    Clark Peterson

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