[EBB Sightings] an interesting vireo in Pleasanton 6/15

[EBB Sightings] an interesting vireo in Pleasanton 6/15

Mark Miller
Wed Jun 15 20:44:06 PDT 2005
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    Hi Everyone--
    This morning 6/15 at work, I was just getting out of my car when I heard a
    really loud vireo song. This is odd already, because the trees here in the
    high-tech district of Pleasanton (this is near Inglewood and Hacienda)
    usually harbor only bushtits and goldfinches. I walked up to the tree where
    I had heard it, and saw a flock of chickadees and the undersides of a vireo.
    What little I saw of it naked-eye actually looked more like Plumbeous, but
    then it disappeared into the leaves, and I heard 30 seconds of a song that
    could only have been Red-eyed (fast and sweet with pure tones, not slow and
    burry), unless this vireo has spent time in Idaho or points east. I remember
    a Yellow-throated Vireo in Buttterbredt Springs a couple of years ago that
    switched between Yellow-throated and "Solitary" song patterns.
    Mark Miller
    Pleasanton CA
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    face=3D"Courier New">Hi =

    face=3D"Courier New"> 

    face=3D"Courier New">This morning 6/15 = at work, I was just getting out of my car when I heard a really loud vireo song. = This is odd already, because the trees here in the high-tech district of = w:st=3D"on">Pleasanton (this is near Inglewood and Hacienda) usually = harbor only bushtits and goldfinches. I walked up to the tree where I had heard it, = and saw a flock of chickadees and the undersides of a vireo. What little I saw = of it naked-eye actually looked more like Plumbeous, but then it disappeared = into the leaves, and I heard 30 seconds of a song that could only have been = Red-eyed (fast and sweet with pure tones, not slow and burry), unless this vireo = has spent time in Idaho or points east. I remember a Yellow-throated Vireo = in Buttterbredt Springs a couple of years ago that switched between Yellow-throated and "Solitary" song = patterns.

    face=3D"Courier New"> 

    face=3D"Courier New">Mark = Miller

    w:st=3D"on">Pleasanton CA

    style=3D'font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Arial'> 


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