[EBB Sightings] May 10 trip to Tilden Park

[EBB Sightings] May 10 trip to Tilden Park

Robert Lewis
Tue May 10 16:22:00 PDT 2005
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    Content-Type: text/plain;
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    Today 17 birders went to Tilden Park near the Little Farm on a Golden Gate
    Audubon trip, seeking spring migrants and nesters.  Here is the list.  35
    species including a Pacific-slope Flycatcher carrying food back to a
    probable nest, a pair of Black Phoebes doing the same, a pair of Blue-gray
    Gnatcatchers looking like they were thinking about domestic activities, and
    lots of song from Warbling Vireos, attempts at song by Hutton's Vireos, and
    gangs of chickadees and Bushtits zipping about.  The Allen's Hummers were
    all knockouts!
    Mallard - 3
    Turkey Vulture - 4
    Red-shouldered Hawk - 1
    Red-tailed Hawk - 1
    Mourning Dove - 1
    Anna's Hummingbird - 1
    Allen's Hummingbird - 4
    Nuttall's Woodpecker - 2
    Pacific-slope Flycatcher - 2
    Black Phoebe - 2
    Ash-throated Flycatcher - 1
    Hutton's Vireo - 2
    Warbling Vireo - 8
    Steller's Jay - 1
    Western Scrub-Jay - 3
    Common Raven - 15
    Violet-green Swallow - 8
    Barn Swallow - 6
    Chestnut-backed Chickadee - 10
    Oak Titmouse - hrd
    Bushtit - 10
    Brown Creeper - 1
    Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 2
    American Robin - 3
    Wrentit - hrd
    Orange-crowned Warbler - 1
    Wilson's Warbler - 3
    Spotted Towhee - 1
    California Towhee - 4
    Song Sparrow - 3
    Dark-eyed Junco - 3
    Black-headed Grosbeak - 3
    Purple Finch - 1
    House Finch - 3
    American Goldfinch - 3
    Bob Lewis
    Berkeley, CA
    RLewis0727 at aol.com
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    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Today 17 birders went to Tilden P=
    near the Little Farm on a Golden Gate Audubon trip, seeking spring migrants=20=
    nesters.  Here is the list.  35 species including a Pacific-slope
    Flycatcher carrying food back to a probable nest, a pair of Black Phoebes do=
    the same, a pair of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers looking like they were thinking
    about domestic activities, and lots of song from Warbling Vireos, attempts a=
    song by Hutton’s Vireos, and gangs of chickadees and Bushtits zipping
    about.  The Allen’s Hummers were all knockouts!=
    .0pt; font-family:Arial'> 

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Mallard – 3

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Turkey Vulture – 4 .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Red-shouldered Hawk – 1

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Red-tailed Hawk – 1<= /p> .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Mourning Dove – 1Anna’s Hummingbird – 1

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Allen’s Hummingbird – 4

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Nuttall’s Woodpecker – 2

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Pacific-slope Flycatcher – 2

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Black Phoebe – 2

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Ash-throated Flycatcher – 1= .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Hutton’s Vireo – 2

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Warbling Vireo – 8 .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Steller’s Jay – 1

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Western Scrub-Jay – 3

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Common Raven – 15Violet-green Swallow – 8

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Barn Swallow – 6

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Chestnut-backed Chickadee – 10

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Oak Titmouse – hrd .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Bushtit – 10

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Brown Creeper – 1Blue-gray Gnatcatcher – 2

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>American Robin – 3 .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Wrentit – hrd

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Orange-crowned Warbler – 1<= /font>

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Wilson’s Warbler – 3<= /font>

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Spotted Towhee – 1 e=3D2 face=3DArial>Cali= fornia Towhee – 4

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Song Sparrow – 3

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Dark-eyed Junco – 3<= /p> .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Black-headed Grosbeak – 3

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Purple Finch – 1

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>House Finch – 3

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>American Goldfinch - 3

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'> 

    .0pt; font-family:Arial'>Bob Lewis

    =3D2 face=3DArial>Berke= ley, CA

    >RLewis0727 at aol.com

    font-size: 12.0pt'> 


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