[EBB Sightings] Altamont Pass Hawk Dicing Fans

[EBB Sightings] Altamont Pass Hawk Dicing Fans

Brian Zeiler
Tue May 03 13:20:01 PDT 2005
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    I just sent the below to my Alameda County Supervisor
    - you can figure out yours (if you're in Alameda) at
    http://www.acgov.org/board/ and get their contact
    For background on the issue and the upcoming June 2
    hearing, visit
    I've only been on this list a couple months, so I'm
    not sure how much this has been discussed in the past.
     Unfortunately I think most people don't regard birds
    as highly as they regard mammals, which is a tragic
    --- Brian Zeiler  wrote:
    > Date: Tue, 3 May 2005 13:11:21 -0700 (PDT)
    > From: Brian Zeiler 
    > Subject: APWRA Conditional Use Permits
    > To: bosdist4 at co.alameda.ca.us
    > Dear Mr. Miley,
    > I am writing in regard to the wind turbines at
    > Altamont Pass.  Please require that the wind energy
    > companies operating at Altamont reduce their bird
    > kills by 50% within three years and 85% within six
    > years per California Energy Commission
    > recommendations.  
    > The location of these wind farms could not possibly
    > be
    > in a worse place, right in the path of a major
    > regional raptor migratory route.  Continuing to
    > allow
    > thousands of hawks, eagles, owls, and meadowlarks to
    > be slaughtered each year by enormous hilltop fans is
    > utterly reprehensible and a horrendous conservation
    > example for the rest of the nation.
    > Thank you for your attention to this issue.
    > Sincerely,
    > Brian Zeiler 
    > [address removed]
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